The educational department of Ganzach Kiddush Hashem is expanding its activities and reaching more and more audiences and educational institutions from all sectors. As well, the department is launching projects and creating collaborations with a meaningful interactive educational activity that takes place within and outside of Ganzach Kiddush Hashem, in order to present the legacy of the past generations to student and instill in them the values, the unimaginable heroism of the Jewish spirit, and the willingness to surrender one’s soul, and not to give up nor compromise on one’s values – Just like the heroic declaration of the Hasmoneans: “Who is for G-d? – Join me!”
Here are photos from a huge exhibition that was set up at the Ger Jerusalem Seminary, through which Ganzach Kiddush Hashem sought to emphasis and strengthen the principles of Chassidism among female students.
Ganzach Kiddush Hashem provided the coordinators/teachers/educators with stories from the righteous people from the past and from the Holocaust era that reflect how these principles were manifested, strengthened people, and enabled them to survive the horrors of hell, and even to rise from their ruins and rebuild their lives.
The girls chose the stories from the Ganzach Kiddush Hashem’s collections, and from these stories they entered a whole world of discourse, rabbinic writings, and thought, which were turned into eye-catching exhibitions that will continue to accompany them throughout the year.
The exhibitions are accompanied by a brochure published by Ganzach that outlines the huge project. The students also enjoy lectures, seminars, and rich activities that connect them to a fascinating, enriching, and empowering journey to their roots.