The book “For With My Staff I Crossed this Jordan” (Ki BaMakeili Avarti Et HaYarden – Genesis 32:11) tells the story of Mr. Noé Zolty, one of the founders and pillars of the Torah observant Jewish community in Geneva, Switzerland, after the Holocaust.
The book – published in one volume in Hebrew, English, and French – presents Mr. Zolty’s history from life before the Holocaust in Berlin, his escape and wanderings, losses, suffering, his hope and faith, and finally about his rescue and the rebuilding of his life.
The book, written by the gifted and greatly talented writer, Rabbi Yaakov Rosenfeld, is another link in the chain of Ganzach Kiddush Hashem’s productions, which strive to reveal to young people and future generations the steadfastness and bravery of the spiritual heroes who stood with strength and heroism in the face of the evil forces of Nazi persecution.
The book is the result of Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Shapira’s wonderful research and high-quality writing, and is accompanied by spectacular maps and family trees. Rabbi Shapira, genealogy researcher, historian, and prolific author, and one of the top writers and creators, has since joined the archive and publishing team of Ganzach Kiddush HaShem; from the joint work with the veteran and experienced writers and researchers, grows a rich and fruitful literary crop which is praised by experts on Jewish history.