The collection of Rabbi Shabbtai Scheinfeld, secretary of the Agudath Israel Executive Committee, contains a huge variety of letters and documents from all the figures active in the Adudah, but is not limited to just this.
Among the correspondence one can find complete and fascinating portions about the events that Agudath Israel experienced during the first 20 years of its existence. In addition, the collection contains the minutes of the Executive Committee meeting in 1938 as well as postcards and letters from world leaders, such as the “Pnei Menachem” of Ger, the “Chochmat Eliezer” of Vizhnitz, Rabbi Menachem Ziemba, Rabbi Eliyahu Buchko, and more.
The importance of the collection to Ganzach Kiddush Hashem was already apparent after a quick peruse through the documents and letters. Many of the figures who wrote to Rabbi Shabbtai Sheinfeld are known to Ganzach Kiddush Hashem as rescue activists, whose collections, or some of them, constitute important parts of the Ganzach Kiddush Hashem archive, for example, of Rabbi Chaim Yisrael Eiss, Aharon (Harry) Goodman, Rabbi Chaim Michael Dov Weissmandel, and more.
These letters complement the previous collections and enable the deepening of knowledge, the cross-referencing of information, and the expansion of the existing picture. Their addition to the archive provides new grounds for research and commemoration.

A “ketiva ve’chatima tova” (a good inscription and sealing in the Book of Life) postcard that Rabbi Scheinfeld received from Rabbi Eliyahu Buchko, whose collection Ganzach Kiddush Hashem received in the last year
Ganzach Kiddush Hashem thanks Mrs. Debbie Schapiro, a family member, for her generous donation