International Holocaust Remembrance Day marks the date January 27th, 1945 (5705) when the Soviets liberated the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration and death camp.
In November 2005, the United Nations decided to mark January 27th as International Holocaust Remembrance, dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust.
This year (2025/5785) marks the 80th anniversary of the liberation of the camp and the first steps of the miracle of revival.
Here is a collection of testimoni...[Read more]
Sarah Leibowitz – Regards from my Father (Velyki Komyaty, Czechoslovakia)

Carmella Wertzel – Separation at the Gates of Auschwitz (Szilagysomlyo, Transylvania)

Elyakim Holland – The First Meeting with Auschwitz (Hungary)

Sarah Leibowitz – Auschwitz/Being Saved from the Selection (Velyki Komyaty, Czechoslovakia)

Sarah Stein – The Separation from My Mother at the Entrance to Auschwitz (Hungary)

Rebbetzin Esther Klein – My First Meeting with the Auschwitz Camp (Kerestir, Hungary)

Carmella Wertzel – The Way to Auschwitz (Szilagysomlyo, Transylvania)

Shmuel and Mordechai Basch – Testimony from Hell (Spinka, Romania)

Sarah Leibowitz – The Tearing Apart of My Family (Velyki Komyaty, Czechoslovakia)

Elyakim Holland – The Holidays in Auschwitz (Hungary)

Chaya Chava Erlanger – Auschwitz (Lodz, Poland)

Abba Halperin – Auschwitz (Lithuania)

Uri Teitelbaum – In the Train on the Way to Auschwitz (Hajdunanas, Hungary)

Esther Borstein – Shabbat Night in Auschwitz

Yehoshua Danziger – Auschwitz/The First Meeting with Death (Tiszalok, Hungary)

Gershon Holczer – Father and Daughter in Auschwitz (Slovakia)

Menachem Haberman – Tefillin in Auschwitz (Munkacs, Czechoslovakia)

Yosef Kleinman – “I Will Not Die for I Will Live” (Hungary)

Mordechai Bar Yosef - A Mass Grave in Nitra (Pressburg, Slovakia)

Rachel Herzl - Longings (Hungary)

Rachel Herzl - Holding onto Faith (Hungary)

Eliezer Meirowitz - Song in a Concentration Camp (Czechoslovakia)

Moshe Schnewald – Shabbat on the Train (Szarvas, Hungary)

Shaindy Miller - War of Life (Hungary)