
Despite the impossible living conditions in the ghettos, the Jews tried to maintain a regular and normative lifestyle as much as possible, and as part of this - to hold regular studies. Of course, this was almost impossible, but the teachers and parents tried to establish underground education systems and strongly preserve the school routine. For the children, the schools were a place of refuge, an island of sanity amidst the madness, terror, and chaos that prevailed around them. Even after the ...[Read more]
Exhibit (Hebrew) – Jewish Education in Poland
Rabbi Sinai Adler – A Lesson in Faith (Prague, Czechoslovakia)
Rehabilitation – The Children of Buchenwald

Poria Sokal – Working on One’s Character Traits and Keeping One’s Human Image/Bnos Yaakov in the Camp (Warsaw, Poland)
Education in the Lodz Ghetto

Yehuda Yungman – Educating the Children (Chereshenka, Bukovina)
Pesia Nugelblat – In Ms. Lederman’s Children’s Home
Moshe Kanner – Returning to the Children's Home (Rozan, Poland)
To The Youth’s Heart

Hela Kluger – Rehabilitation in the “Bnos Yerushalayim” Instituttion in Sosnowiec (Poland)
Sima Freizer – A Math Lesson in Bergen-Belsen (Socha, Poland)
The Teacher, Faiga Zeliczka, May G-d Avenge Her Blood

Moshe Weiss – The Klausenberger Rebbe’s Education of the Youth
The Talmud Torah School in Marysin (Lodz Ghetto)

Leah Nevenzahl – Return to Life in the Children’s Home in Zabrze (Apta, Poland)

Shimon Landau – From Poland to Hungary and the Yeshiva in Papa (Krynica, Poland)
Miriam Kirschner – Running the Children’s Home in Light of the Nazi Occupation (Antwerp, Belgium)

Michael Brown – The Ponevezh Rabbi and the Home for the Elderly (Poland)
Chaim Lornetz – The Children of Buchenwald in France (Jarugosz, Hungary)
Moshe Dov Klein – Returning to Yeshiva (Uzhorod, Czechoslovakia)
Avraham Yaakov Frisch – The Teacher after Liberation (Hajdanunas, Hungary)
The Bais Yaakov Movement in the Lodz Ghetto

Tzvi Birenbaum – Studies in the Westerbork Camp (Germany – Holland)
Frieda Borenstein – The Children’s Institute in Ulm (Jaroslaw, Poland)
The Jewish Spirit in the Warsaw Ghetto

Faigaleh, Daughter of the Rabbi

Moshe Kugler – Chanuka in the Domonkos Children’s Home (Sopron, Hungary)
Yitzchak Bennet – The Tasnad Yeshiva (Szaszregen, Transylvania)
Moshe Weiss – Like a Father to His Sons/The Klausenberger Rebbe in Foehrenwald (Hungary)
Frieda Borenstein – The Head of the School in Ulm (Jaroslaw, Poland)
Moshe Ackerman – In the Swiss Children’s Home (Strasbourg, France)
Miriam Pollack – Songs of Faith (Hamburg, Germany)
"Tiferet Bachurim" in the Kovno Ghetto

Prof. Reuven Feuerstein – The Cheder (Botosani, Romania)
Yehoshua Eibeshitz – Memories from the Cheder (Wielun, Poland)
Bais Yaakov in the DP Camps

Rabbi Yosef Bramson – In the Jewish Institute Postwar (Franeker, Holland)
Tzvi Birenbaum – The Orphanage in the Westerbork Camp
Devorah Berger – An Apple in the Camp (Lodz, Poland)
Elisheva Hoffman - Returning to my Parents (Enschede, Holland)