From the Depths I Called Out to You

Prayer is the pillar on which our nation rests. The Jews' daily schedule, the holidays, Shabbat, and events - all revolve around prayers. This is man's way of talking to his Creator, connecting and communicating with Him. Many Jews showed tremendous devotion by continuing to pray in public despite the express prohibition. The plans of the Nazi oppressors established special working days on Shabbat and holidats, lest the Jews gather in prayer houses to pour out their prayers before the Master ...[Read more]
Yitzchak Meir Shpernowitz - Prayer in Siberia (Ostrow Ozowiec, Poland)
Menachem Haberman - A Special Bat Mitzvah Gift (Munkacs, Czechoslovakia)
"It Was Worthwhile"

Prayers of the Afflicted (Excerpt from Rebbetzin Esther Farbstein's "Hidden in Thunder")
Avraham Wartheimer – Though I Walk in the Valley of the Shadow of Death (Medias, Romania)
Sarah Geiger - A Siddur (Prayerbook) in the Lodz Ghetto (Lodz, Poland)
Mother's Prayer

Rivka Avichayil - The Shema Yisrael Prayer in the Catholic Church (Paris, France)
Poria Sokal - Reciting the Shema Prayer on the Bunk (Warsaw, Poland)
Chaya Chava Erlanger - A Siddur (Prayerbook) in Auschwitz (Lodz, Poland)
The Last Prayer of the Jew 48723

Menachem Haberman - 90 Years of Prayer (Munkacs, Czechoslovakia)
Penina Oren - The Shacharit Prayer (Poland)
Zalman Cohen – Rabbi Hershel Schachter and the First Yizkor Prayer in Buchenwald (Nyiregyhaza, Hungary)
Yehudit Hamdinger – The Yizkor Prayer with the Home in France for the “Children of Buchenwald”
Dov Silber - The First Prayer after Liberation (Piotrkow, Poland)
Lavia, The Teacher from Libya

Yaakov Yehoshua - A Chapter of Psalms as a Birthday Gift (Germany - Holand)
Chana Moskowitz – Memories from My Father’s Home (Bucharest, Romania)
Edith Rothschild – Prayers in Auschwitz (Hungary)
Shmuel Braude - Prayer in Siberia (Ruzhin, Poland)
Lessons in Faith and Prayer

Esther Katz – The Shacharit Prayer in the Forest (Rudzin, Poland)
Sarah Stein – A Song of Faith and Prayer in Auschwitz (Hungary)