Sacred Memory during the Three Weeks

The official visit of the Sassover Rebbe at Ganzach Kiddush Hashem during Bein HaMetzarim (the 3 weeks between the fasts of the 17th of Tammuz and Tisha B’Av)

Around the table sat the members of the administration headed by Rabbi David Skulsky, members of the archive department, members of the education department, members of the the writing and publishing department, as well as others involved in the sacred work – the commemoration of Holocaust victims’ and survivors’ Jewish heroism.

At the head of the table sat the esteemed guest, the Sassover Rebbe, and next to him sat his rabbinical sons, his grandsons, and around them – the entourage of leaders and influential people in the chassidic world.

The Sassover Rebbe is the child of Holocaust survivors and the topic burns in his heart. According to him, we should perpetuate the memory of the victims and do everything so that the younger generation will know and not forget.

The uplifting visit lasted for a long time, during which the Sassover Rebbe told a wonderous story about how his mother was saved from the jaws of evil. A clear and pure viewpoint was delivered from his holy lips to the ears of those engaged in the work, and according to them, they derived great benefit from the words that were given over.

The Sassover Rebbe expressed a great deal of excitement at the “special valuable items” that were presented to him. A thorough investigation into the lineage of the exalted family was magnificently produced by the faithful hands of the researcher and historian, Rabbi Yitzchak Shmuel Schapira.

In addition, a unique presentation was given on his mother’s escape routes across European countries during the Holocaust.

Later, the Rebbe was shown segments of testimony and artifacts from the Ganzach Kiddush Hashem archive, such as tiny tefillin that survived the inferno and a shofar that passed through camps and ghettos and which Jews blew with devotion.

Towards the end of the visit, the Rebbe gave a l’chaim (a toast) and blessed the management and employees of Ganzach Kiddush Hashem.

G-d willing, the holy words of the Sassover Rebbe will be published on the our website soon.